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This website and associated Facebook page (xxxxx) are an experiment to bring greater attention to issues facing the Town, provide background information and financial data, and hopefully generate discussion, useful suggestions, and feedback for Council. Ideally, it would allow residents a stronger voice, and advocate for change where necessary. Perhaps ambitious, a little pollyannaish, but worth a try. Communication with residents has improved over the last ten years with a good Town website and Facebook page – though which unfortunately does not allow for comment. What seems to be missing is capturing feedback from residents and a little more interaction with them.

At the beginning of each question period in council meetings, the mayor always cautions that “This is not the place for debate”, but exactly where is the place for debate? The occasional large, special public consultations do not tend to be productive, so there is really little forum for discussion and debate. ??A few focus groups, such as for the new rec center which had limited scope, are sometimes convened, but in many cases little there seems to be little in the public record about their findings, and they’re closed to interested parties who may wish to sit in.

Also concerning is the loss of answers to questions raised at council meetings, some recurring. For example, why does the police officer stationed at the Westminster train crossing generally only observe, instead of actively directing traffic which is most needed; why don’t we install traffic lights at the train crossing; why don’t the PSOs patrol overnight when car break-ins and thefts tend to happen; will there be permanent traffic lights at Avon and Westminster; what is the Town doing about lead in pipes, etc. The answers, even if captured in The Informer meeting report, tend to disappear from the public consciousness. This website hopes to collect answers in an FAQ section.

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